Gus Grissom

.: (and all about him) :.


"If we die, we want people to accept it. We're in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us, it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life." -Gus Grissom.

Gus Grissom or Virgil Ivan Grissom was an American engineer and a pilot in the United States Air Force and was the second American to be in outer space in 1961. He was also a Project Gemini and an Apollo Program astronaut. He was born on April 3, 1926 in Mitchell Indiana and died on January 27, 1967 at 40 years old.

What he did

Gus Grissom used to work at a local meat market, delivering newspapers, picked fruit for a dry goods store, a service station, and a clothing store. When he was in college, he studied Mechincal Engineering in Purdue University.

Gus Grissom has benefited the world in a way that helped create a strong foundation for the future of the U.S. space program.

Pictures of Gus Grissom

Fun facts about Gus Grissom

1. He was the oldest out of his four siblings

2. In 1944, he graduated from Mitchell High School.

3. He had a strong motivation for technology and aircraft construction.